Operating conditions 1.The ambient air temperatures is no higherthan +40℃,no lower than -40℃; 2.The altitudeabove sea level dose not exceed 1000-2000m(the plateau aresshould be indicated whenordering); 3.ACsysten frequencyis 50Hz or 60Hz; 4.The power frequency voltage applied to thearrester for a longtimedoes not exceed the continuousworkingvoltage ofthe arrester; 5.Maximum windspeed does not exceed 35m/s; 6.The earthquake intensitydoes not exceed 7 degrees; 7.Thefilthyarea should be given clear indication.
The zine oxide arester is the most advanced over-voltage protector in the world;Due to make the risistor disc of core componetmainly adopt zine oxide aresterCompared with the conventional silcon carbide arrester,this presciption of theproduct improvesgr-eatly the volt-Ampere characterisics of the resistor disc andincreased through-current capability at overvoltage so as to dring arad-icalchanges for the characteristics of the arresters.
The zine oxide arrester is the most advancedover-voltage protector in the world;Dueto make the risistor disc of core componetmainly adopt zine oxide arrester.Compared with the conventional silicon carbide arrester,thispresciption of theproduct improvesgr-eatly the volt-Ampere characterisics of the resistordisc andincreased through-current capabiity at over-voltage so as to dring arad-icalchangesfor the characteristics of thearresters
Outdoor drop type fusesare suitable for 35kV and below voltage andfrequency 50Hz power systems,used for overloadand shortcircuit protection of transmission lines and power transformers,and for breaking and closing rated load current.
The drop type fuse consists of an insulation bracket and a fusetube,with static contacts installed at both ends of theinsulationbracket and dynamic contactsinstalledat both ends of the fuse tube.Thefuse tube consists of an inner arc extinguishingtube andan outer phenolic paper tube orepoxy glass cloth tube.
Polymer insulator shed made of silicon rubber for grantee the outside insulation;high strength expoxy poles provide insideinsulation for productsand sustain machine load.These products use new technology,which press connect of mold,mandril andmetal terminal which.improved the products,reliability,the charaters as follows:
Superior electrical function and strength soiling,small olumn,light weight,excellent impulse resistence,shockresistence,and
explode resistance.