Voltage and current display relay is a microprocessor-based voltage monitoring device for sinale-phase AC networks to protect electrical equipment from surge voltage. The device analyzes the main voltage and displays its curent value on a digital indicator. Load is switched by electromagnetic relay. The user can set the current voltage value and delay time through the button.The value is stored in non-volatile memory. Aluminum wires and copper wires can be used for connection.
Voltage and current display relay is a microprocessor-based voltage monitoring device for single-phaseAC networks toprotect electrical equipment from surgevoltage.The device analyzes themain voltage and displays itscurrent value on a digitalindicator Load isswitched by electromagnetic relay.The usercan set the currentvoltage value and delay timethroughthe button.The value is stored in non-volatile memory.Aluminum wires and copperwires can beused for connection.
Function description:When a phase of L1,L2,L3 overvoltaged,undervoltaged orphase lacked,the relay will be disconnected and automatically search for the normalphase,and switch to open the relay of the normal phase,switching priority
YC9VA voltageand current display relay is a microprocessor-based voltagemonitoring devicefor single-phase AC networksto protectelectrical equipment from surge voltage.The deviceanalyzes the main voltage and displays its curent valueon a digitalindicator Load is switched by electromagnetic relay.The user canset the current voltage value and delaytime throughthe buttonThe value isstored in non-volatile memory.Aluminum wires and copper wires can be used forconnection.