1.The ambientair temperatures isno higher than +40℃no lowerthan-40℃;
2.The altitude above sea level dose not exceed 1000-2000m(the plateau ares should be indicated when ordering);
3.AC systen frequency is 50Hz or 60Hz
4.Thepower frequengy voltage aplied to the arrester for a longtime does not exceed the continuous workingvoltageofthe arrester
5.Maximum wind speed does not exceed 35m/s
6.The earthquake intensity does not exceed 7 degrees;
7.The filthy areashould be givendear indication.
Polymer insulator shed made of silicon rubber for grantee the outside insulation;high strength expoxy poles provideinsideinsulation for products and sustain machine load.These products use new technology.which press connect of mold,mandril andmetal terminal which.improved the products,reliability,the charaters as follows:
Superiorelectrical functionand strength soiling,small olumn,light weight,excellent impulse resistence,shock resistence,and
explode resistance
ZN23-40.5 MV vacuum circuit breaker is indoor MV distribution device ofthree-phase AC 50Hz,rated voltage 40.5kV,can be matched with JYN35/GBC-35 type switchcabinet.Suitablefor control and protection in power plant,substation and power dstribution system,especially suitable for frequent operation places.The vacuum circuit breaker is handcart type,withreasonable structure,convenient maintenance,safe andreliableuse
FN7-12R(L)AC MV load switch used in 50Hz,12kV three phase AC power system
FN7-12R(L)series vacum circuit breaker is indoor high voltage switch-gearwith rated voltage 12kV,three-phase AC 50Hz,which is developed by introducing from Switzerland,ABB corporation technology and analyzing domestic professiondevelopment condition,productivity development manufacture product.The overaltructure of this product is formed with theswitch mainbody and operating device,uses the compound insulation structure,does not have the pollution and the explosionhazard,and the insulation level is high.This operating device of the series product is for the spring loaded type,can use theelectrically operated operation,also can use the manualoperationc Standard:IEC 60265-1,IEC62271-105.