YCQJ7 series motor controller (hereinafter referred to as controller)is mainly used in circuits with afrequency ofAC 50Hz(or 60Hz),a rated operational voltage of up to380V and a rated control power of up to 18.5kW (current upto 38A)to control the direct startand stop of water pumps ormotors,provide motors withoverload and phasefailure protection,and realize automaticliquid level control for civil water towersand reservoirs.Thisproduct is not applicable to theliquid levelcontrol oflow-conductivity liquids,such as oil,purified water,inflammableandexplosive chemical liquids and high-density sewage.
The YCQD 7 series intelligent integrated star delta starter ( here in after referred to as the starter ) is suitable for three – phase squirrel cage induction motors with AC 5 0 Hz , rated voltage of 3 8 0 V / 4 0 0 V , and rated working current of up to 1 1 0 A ( phase current when the starter is delta connected ) , controlling power up to 9 0 kW . It is used to control the start , operation , and stop of the stator winding from star to de lta co nve rs io n , i n o rde r to red uce the i m pact of sta rti ng c u rre nt a nd moto r sta rti ng o n the t ra ns m iss io n netwo rk .
The starter adopts a modular design and integrated structure , integrating contact or s , intelligent co nt ro lle rs , a nd a ux ilia ry co ntacts . The i nte llige nt co nt ro lle r ca n a uto matica lly co nt ro l the starter to run according to the predetermined program , there by completing the star delta starting of the motor .