TCF8-aoPW somis fuss hw amhnd optrathg wcltgu of DCI500V amd amud cumntof8OA.tmalyuedh ith sclar phoiovctakeDCcomtiner bon tiobeak thelihe oadoad and shondroaitcomntgimgahud by itont iedbxckofthe phoiovclak oomponmts ofithsolhr pmal and talimariog,s s to potact the sobr photoicltakccomponnts.Ittwislyused im th dhouitproucibom of alatikc dtha sgtom,po sp内gstm andaudlaysystam,and thefuse am akoba sahecod imany otherDC douitasthedhouit owdoad andshont dhouitpototiom of
The variable cross-section melt made of pure silver sheet (or silver wire winding)is soldered with low-temperature tin and packaged in afusion tube made of high- strength porcelain.The fusion tube is flled with chemically treated and specially processed Process-treated high-purity quartz sand isused as the arc-extinguishing medium,and the two ends of the melt are firmly electrically connected with the contacts byelectric welding
The variable cross-section melt made of pure silver sheet (or siver wire winding)is soldered with low-temperature tin and packaged in a fusion tube made of high- strength porcelain.The fusion tube is filled with chemically treated and specially processed Process-treated high-purity quartz sand isused as the arc-extinguishing medium,and the two ends of the melt are firmly electrically connected with the contacts byelectric welding.