This product can be used in indoor system of AC50Hzand rated voltage of 3.6-40.5KV to protect thevoltagemutual-inductor from over loading and circuit break.(tested by-inductor from overloading and circ-uit break.(Tested by National high-voltage quality
Supervising and Testing Center,inaccordance with IEC282-1).
The product can be used in indoor AC system of 50Hz and rated voltage 3.6kV and 7.2KV 12KV.When used togetherwith otherprotectionfacilitlesuch as switches and vacum contactors).it works to protect high-voltagemotor and other electric facilitiesfrom overloadingandcircrit break.
The product is used in overload or short-circuit protection for electric transformer.The current limiting means that the fuse will cut off the circuit before the short-circuit currentreaches thepeak value
The product is used in overload or short-cicuit protection for instrumenttransformer.Atthetime of holdingupbyrestrain circuitcurent way to get minimum from carry on instantaneous to turn on and breakjt should be witintherangeof 0.6-1.8A to fuse theelectric current in one minute.
Outdoor drop type fuses are suitable for 35kV andbelow voltage and frequency 50Hz power systems,used for overload and shortcircuit protection of transmission lines andpower transformers,and for breaking and closingrated loadcurrent.
The drop type fuse consists of an insulation bracket and a fuse tube,with static contacts installed at both endsof the insulationbracket anddynamic contacts installed at both endsof the fuse tube.The fuse tubeconsistsof an innerarc extinguishing tube andan outer phenolic paper tube or epoxy glass cloth tube.