KYN28A-12 indoor metal clad movable switchgear is a complete power distribution device for 3.6kV~12KV,3 phase AC 50/60Hz,single bus sectionalized system.It is mainly used for power transmissionof middle/smallgenerators in power plants,powerreceiving,transmission for substations in power distribution and power system of factories,mines and enterprises as tocontrol,protectand monitor the system.
KYN28A-24 Metaldad AC Endosed Switchgear,Withdrawable Type (hereinafterreferred to as switchgear),suitable for indoor three-phase 50/60Hz,rated voltage 24kV power system,mainly usedin power plants,substations,industial and mining enterprises and high-rise buildings It is used to receive and distribute electric energy and to control,protect and monitor circuits.
KWN61-40.5 Air insulated metal dadmowable switchgear is an indoor switdhgear,assembly operating under theconditions of50/60Hz three phaseand rated 40.5kV AC voltage,which is applied to the transmission anddistribution for gene ators.transformer substations and the industy and mine enterprises It also can be used to control,protect and monitor electicdircuits,and very usefulfor fiequent operating condition
Standard IEC62271-200
KYN28A-12 indoor metal clad movable switchgear is a complete power distribution device for 3.6kV~12KV,3 phase AC 50/60Hz,single bus sectionalized system.It is mainly used for power transmissionof middle/smallgenerators in power plants,powerreceiving,transmission for substations in power distribution and power system of factories,mines and enterprises as tocontrol,protectand monitor the system.